Freasy Lab in your city!

Our franchise is a thoughtful proposal for the organization of business with small investment and quick royalty rate with absolutely no direct competitors.


We have developed three sales point formats: a basic unit for stationary operation in trading and business centres, a cart for seasonal street vending and a portable catering counter.

Portable unit

Size: 6 m², 2 to 3 working stations

Location: places of public entertainment, such as parks, beaches or in proximity to exhibition centres

Portable counter

Size: 4 m², 2 to 3 working stations

Location: catering at the client’s premises

Stationary unit

Size: 6 m², 2 to 3 working stations

Location: crowded trading centres, preferably within a food-court zone

Franchise includes:
— Calculation of the financial model specific to your region in the three-year term with monthly detalization.
— Determination of compliance with the requirements for the premises and its location.
— Start training, professional development and the personnel planned testing.
— Support at all stages of starting and running a business.

We are committed to careful evaluation of our franchisees. We want proper quality for our output and a considerate, caring attitude towards our brand.

What we expect from our partners:

Business experience
Competence and commitment
Strict adherence to technological procedures and corporate standards
Respectful long-term relations
Reasonable and stable employment policy
Active brand-building in the region

What we offer to our partners:

Promotion support on and all over the Internet
Original staff uniform, branded packages
Franchise rights and corporate identity guidelines
Original space and interior design of the sales point
Business policies and pricing guidelines
Product sheets and cost cards

Franchisee’s costs

Entrance fee


Investments in the startup phase


excluding the lump-sum fee

Royalty rate


of turnover per month

Estimated financial figures

Return on investment



Royalty rate



Average monthly net profit


Let us call you!

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