ice cream

Molecular ice cream is made at extremely low temperatures via a unique technology that utilizes liquid nitrogen.

It’s delicious, it’s organic, it’s spectacular!


Our ice cream is made right in front of you and is not stored. This is why we only use natural ingredients – milk, fruit and organic syrups.

Traditional ice cream
Molecular ice cream
Contains around 30% of natural ingredients
100% natural ingredients
Dextrose (a type of sugar) is added to form a homogeneous texture
Quick freezing forms ice crystals so tiny that they create a more homogeneous and outstanding texture
Stabilizers and emulsifiers are used for storage
Ice cream is not intended for storage, no stabilizers and emulsifiers are used
Preparation time — over 1 hour
Preparation time — 2-3 minutes
A buyer is not aware of the preparation process and ingredients used in the ice cream
A buyer sees the whole preparation process with his/her own eyes

Ice cream and sorbets are sold in disposable branded dessert bowls.







Мороженое изготавливается в точках продаж и не хранится. Поэтому мы используем только натуральные ингредиенты — молоко, фрукты и натуральные сиропы.


Сто процентов натуральных ингредиентов


Без стабилизаторов, эмульгаторов, красителей и вкусовых добавок

To see a cryogenic ice cream being made is like getting front row seats to a stunning show: liquid nitrogen fills the air with foggy steam, and special neon lighting illuminates it with bright colors.


seconds to full freeze


Liquid nitrogen freezing at a very, very, very low temperature

An operating sales point will attract attention and excite customers of all ages.



Molecular ice cream is a special treat for your guests, perfect for a wedding, a birthday party, a corporate event or a kids’ party.

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Catering in details


We have developed three sales point formats: a basic unit for stationary operation in trading and business centres, a cart for seasonal street vending and a portable catering counter.

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